Brand new Hospice sustainability group - East Cheshire Hospice

Brand new Hospice sustainability group

East Cheshire Hospice is caring for the environment as well as patients.

An environmental sustainability group representing staff, volunteers and trustees is aiming to make the Hospice even greener.

The charity has already taken significant measures in the last year to become more sustainable and now wants to go even further.

Staff and volunteers have received questionnaires and monthly calendars with suggestions for saving energy, at home and work.

Ideas from the survey are being incorporated into a more co-ordinated eco plan.

Governance Co-ordinator Claire Duncan said: “We have a duty to the planet to educate people and make them more aware of what we’re doing.

“We also have a duty to the Hospice. Not just now, but in 50 years as well.

“Much progress has been made already, but collectively we want to be more savvy so we can further reduce our carbon footprint.

“It’s important we make energy saving part of our everyday thinking and embedded into our daily practice.

“This isn’t about saving costs, although that’s also a benefit. We don’t want our fundraising revenue paying for extra gas and electricity bills. We want that money to go to patients.

The East Cheshire Hospice group set up to improve environmental sustainability.

“If we can reduce our bills, that means more funds for patient-facing services.

“The calendars have suggestions about helping the environment, such as using ceramic rather than plastic cups at the coffee machine. Or donating poppy bulbs as an act of remembrance in November, rather than buying fireworks.

“Staff have these calendars at home and do monthly challenges with their families.”

Stickers identifying plug sockets to switch off at night are a small way of helping at the Hospice.

Rachel Allcock, Director of Income Generation, said: “The survey shows that staff and volunteers aren’t really aware of what we do.

“Some things aren’t obvious. For example, all our waste goes in one bin and is separated and recycled by waste management contractors. But volunteers thought we don’t do recycling as everything goes in a single bin.

“Patients, families and supporters couldn’t see the work we’re doing, much of it invisible. We want to make people aware that we’re committed to doing all we can.”

The Hospice will install solar panels, while catering and housekeeping activities have already improved efficiency.

The Hospice is helped with its green goals by AstraZeneca, while an energy supplier will carry out a professional audit under its corporate social responsibility remit.

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